Searchers, investors and service providers are all in a “search sand box” attempting to build a sandcastle together. If you steal a shovel, you will get kicked out. If you are not constantly adding value to the building of the sandcastle, you will not be invited the next time we get together. It is the compounding of this sandbox environment over time that creates the extremely unique ecosystem full of collaboration, alignment and success.


We think of our job as doing everything in our power to enhance the entrepreneurs’ likelihood of success. This requires a customized approach with each search as no two searches are identical.

What We Look for in Companies

We look for companies that provide a compelling customer value proposition. Signposts include high levels of revenue visibility, high returns on capital and annuity-like cash flows. These attributes coupled with low levels of churn, help ensure each new customer adds an annuity layer to the existing revenue base, thus producing a long-term compounding cash flow stream.